Jacob Grimm1785-1863Wilhelm Grimm1786-18594.Januar 1785
Jacob Grimm is born in Hanau.
24. Februar 1786
Wilhelm Grimm is born in Hanau.
14. März 1790
Ludwig Emil Grimm is born.
The Grimm family moves to Steinau.
Sister Lotte Grimm is born.
10. Januar 1796
Philipp Wilhelm Grimm, father of eight Grimm brothers and one Grimm sister, dies.
Jacob und Wilhelm move to Kassel and enter secondary school. They live with an aunt.
Jacob begins his study of law at the University of Marburg.
Wilhelm begins his study of law at the University of Marburg.
Jacob travels to Paris for the first time,mother Grimm moves to Kassel.
Jacob and Wilhelm begin to collect folktales, influenced by the folk poetry collection of Clemens Brentano and Achim von Arnim "Des Knaben Wunderhorn".
Jacob gives up his official positions; Napoleon sets up the kingdom of Westphalia.
27. Mai 1808
Dorothea Grimm, mother of eight Grimm brothers and one Grimm sister, dies at the age of 52.
Jacob takes a position as a librarian at Kassel. 1809
Jacob gets promoted from there to auditor of the Council of State.
Wilhelm works in Halle, Berlin and Weimar. 1811
Their first books are published: Jacob: "Über den altdeutschen Meistergesang". Wilhelm translates medieval Danish heroesongs, ballads and fairy tales.
The Grimm brothers publish "Kinder- und Hausmärchen" volume 1 (Children's and Household Tales).
Jacob travels to Paris und Vienna;.
Wilhelm becomes a librarian in Kassel.
Jacob travels to Paris for the third time; the Grimm brothers publish "Kinder- und Hausmärchen",volume 2.
The Grimm Brothers publish Deutsche Sagen-part one. A collection totalling 585 German legends.
They publish: Deutsche Sagen (German legends)- part two.
Jacob und Wilhelm receive honorary doctorates from the University of Marburg.
Their scholarly work on linguistics, folklore and medieval studies continues, resulting in many publications. 1819
Sister Lotte marries Hans Daniel Hassenpflug.
Wilhelm marries Henriette Dorothea Wild (Dortchen). Lotte's and Dortchen's children die. 1822
Wilhelm's and Dortchen's son Hermann is born.
Jacob Grimm publishes: Deutsche Rechtsaltertümer.
He receives an honorary doctorate from the University of Berlin.
Wilhelm Grimm publishes: Die deutsche Heldensage (The German Heroic Tale).
The brothers leave Kassel, because they are not given advancement following the death of a senior colleague. 1829
Wilhelm´s son Rudolf is born. They move to G&oouml;ttingen, where they are appointed librarians and later professors.
Wilhelm's daughter Auguste is born. 1830
Lotte Grimm dies.
Jacob publishes "Deutsche Mythologie".Wilhelm publishes his edition of Freidanks epigrams.
Ernst Augustus, duke of Cumberland, becomes king of Hanover and repeals the constitution of 1833. Together with five other professors ( the "G&oouml;ttingen Seven"), the Grimm brothers protest against this constitutional violation. They are dismissed and Jacob is ordered to leave the kingdom of Hanover at once. He finds exile in Kassel and lives with his brother Ludwig Emil Grimm.
Wilhelm and his family move back to Kassel too.Jacob und Wilhelm begin to plan their most ambitious enterprise -the Deutsches W&oouml;rterbuch.
Jacob Grimm: Weistümer, 1. und 2. Teil.
They accept an invitation from the king of Prussia, Frederick William IV, to go to Berlin.They become members of the Royal Academy of Sciences and lecture at the university. 1840
They continue their work with Deutsches W&oouml;rterbuch.
Jacob receives the order Pour le mérite. 1841
Jacob travels to Italy.
Jacob travels to Sweden. 1842
Jacob Grimm publishes: Geschichte der deutschen Sprache (A History of the German Language).
He witnesses the Revolution of 1848 and becomes deputee of the Frankfurter Parliament.
He gives up his formal appointment at the University of Berlin and dedicates himself to his studies and research. Wilhelm also resigns as professor and solely does research work. 1852
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm publish: Deutsches W&oouml;rterbuch-part one.
Wilhelm Grimm dies at the age of 73. 1854
Deutsches W&oouml;rterbuch - part two.
Deutsches W&oouml;rterbuch - part three.
4. April 1863
Ludwig Emil Grimm dies.
Jacob Grimm dies at the age of 78..
![]() Wilhelm Grimm Jacob Grimm |
4. April 1785
Born in the free Reichstown of Frankfurt/Main. Her father:Peter Anton Brentano (1735-1795) came from an old Italian noble family, was a rich trader and resident of the Kurfürst von Trier.
Her mother: Maximiliane Brentano (born Laroche). 1793
Mother dies.
Goes to the Ursulinen convent school in Fritzlar.
Moves to her grandmother's, Sophie von La Roche in Offenbach.
Moves to Frankfurt. There she has private tuition in drawing and harmony. Meets Achim von Arnim.
"Des Knaben Wunderhorn" a collection of songs and stories is published by Bettine's brother Clemens von Brentano and Achim von Arnim.
Beginning of Bettine's friendship with Goethe and Goethe's mother. 1811
Marriage to Achim von Arnim. He lives off his lands in Bärwalde (about 100 Kilometers south of Berlin).
They move into the castle of the village Wiepersdorf. 1811-1817
Bettine has seven children.
Bettine moves to Berlin with her children, where she lives mostly separated from her husband.
Achim von Arnim dies.
Bettine ver&oouml;ffentlicht den Briefwechsel zwischen ihr und Goethe "Briefwechsel mit einem Kinde" und wird dadurch schnell berühmt. Sie engagiert sich auch politisch und setzt sich u.a. für die Wiedereinstellung der in G&oouml;ttingen entlassenen Brüder Grimm ein.
Sie erwirkt, daß der preußische K&oouml;nig Friedrich Wilhelm IV. die beiden 1840, unmittelbar nach seiner Inthronisation, nach Berlin beruft. 20. Januar 1859
Bettina von Arnim dies after a long illness and is buried next to her husband in Wiepersdorf.
![]() Bettine von Arnim